Bhagwan Mahavir was once giving his discourses in Champanagari and he saw Ambad parivrajak (wandering monk) proceeding towards Rajgruhi. He stopped him and said, “On reaching Rajgruhi, tell Shravika Sulsa that Mahavir has wished her…

Bhagwan Mahavir was once giving his discourses in Champanagari and he saw Ambad parivrajak (wandering monk) proceeding towards Rajgruhi. He stopped him and said, “On reaching Rajgruhi, tell Shravika Sulsa that Mahavir has wished her…
Ayambil Oli – 23 Oct 2020 – 31 Oct 2020 🎊 Navpadji Oli-Tapasavis🎊 Mahavir Foundation Executive Committee and Advisory Board wishes all Tapasavis સુખ શાતા માં હશો 🙏 Alkaben Dipakbhai Doshi 🙏 Amiben Menulbhai Shah…
શ્રી સંઘનાં સર્વ પૂણ્યશાળીઓને યથાશક્તિ તથા ભક્તિ સ્વરુપે લાભ પ્રાપ્ત થાય તેવા શુભ ભાવ સાથે આપ સર્વને લાભ લેવા સાદર વિનંતિ… મહાવીર ફોઉન્ડેશન ખુબ ખુબ આભાર માને છે. ખુબ ખુબ અનુમોદના. April 2021 અભિષેક પૂજા…
નવકાર મંત્રની રચના નમો અરિહંતાણં – અરિહંત ભગવંતોને નમસ્કાર થાઓ. નમો સિદ્ધાણં – સિદ્ધ ભગવંતોને નમસ્કાર થાઓ. નમો આયરિયાણં – આચાર્ય ભગવંતોને નમસ્કાર થાઓ. નમો ઉવજ્ઝાયાણં – ઉપાધ્યાય…
Jain philosophy can be described in various ways, but the most acceptable tradition is to describe it in terms of Tattvas or fundamentals. They are: Jiva (Soul): All living beings are called Jivas. Jivas have…
L I V E – JAIN BHUGOL – 14 RAJLOK & Shri Arihant Bhagwan
MAHAVIR JANMA KALYANAK: 1st March 2020 We have selected artists for the roles: 1. Siddhartha Pita & Trishala Mata: Sohailbhai & Rinkleben Shah 2a. Indra & Indrani: Nirajbhai & Nimaben Sutaria 2b. Indra & Indrani:…
Hundreds of young people belonging to India’s Jain community have begun renouncing the material world to become monks who always walk barefoot, eat only what they receive as alms and never bathe or use modern…
10-year-old twin monks, Namichndrasagar Maharaj Saheb and Nemichandrasagar Maharaj Saheb born as Dhruv and Dhairya, respectively in the family of Piyush Mehta – a diamond assorter in Surat, are set to astound the world when…